Vision & Mission


Vision is the roots of education so that the purpose of an institution "All round Development" of the student can be fulfilled. Higher education for learners is a continuous progression, it aims to develop, expand and nurture the capability of learners for personal enrichment and progress. Our aim is to polish, filter and refine the inherent qualities among the learners for overall development and to be a valuable citizen of the nation with knowledge and skill.


  • To impart quality education with high moral standards.
  • To provide equal opportunities to students of all sections of the society.
  • To introduce the latest technology in teaching programmes.
  • To provide conducive environment for creativity and cultural activities.
  • To develop the skills of students so as to make them more employable.
  • Specific support services and remedial facilities for SC/ ST/ OBC and economically weaker sections.


  • We have been making the system more and more student friendly and learners oriented.
  • To catering the academic needs of the economically and socially backward, marginalized and un-noticed masses.
  • To propagate the ethics and power of education for improvement and empowerment of rural youth.
  • Striving hard to bridge the gap between education and employment by introducing job oriented courses.
  • The College aims at making use of ICT aided teaching so that the students can be given exposure to the latest advancement in technology.
  • The College aims at providing such teaching and tools to the students by way of introducing vocational courses as may help them develop their entrepreneurial skills and become more employable.
  • To sensitise the students on various issues of our nation (eg. Swakchh Bharat) through extension and co-curricular activities so that they become responsible citizen.
  • Our college is to expand the intellect of the students and enable them to stand upon their own feet by organising seminars, workshops and interactive sessions at regular interval.

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